McGrath Foundation Sponsorship

On the 14th October 2017, Blessington proudly announced the beginning of our association with the McGrath Foundation! 

What is the McGrath Foundation? 
The McGrath Foundation aims to make life that little bit easier for individuals and families experiencing breast cancer. We raise money to place specialist McGrath Breast Care Nurses wherever they’re needed, and make breast health understanding a priority. 

How Can I help? 
Any purchase from our brands, will assist Blessington to donate $100,000 to the McGrath Foundation to help provide McGrath Breast Care Nurses across Australia.

Each brand, for the next 12 months, will have a McGrath Foundation Sticker placed onto the box to show support.

A project for each brand is available from our generous ambassadors/associates for their brand. See our brand websites to find out more.

The projects can be sent to our head office, from there they will be distributed to McGrath Breast Care Nurses.